The big Difference between DESERT-VISION power plants and Atomic power plants
When comparing DESERT-VISION power plants with Nuclear power plants, there are two main categories, financial and safety. Let's look at the financial side using a recent example: Hinkley England power station Capacity 3.3 GW Current price approx. 66 billion USD Dismantling costs of a nuclear power plant approx. 11 billion USD In addition, the search for and construction of final storage facilities for highly radioactive material - many additional billions of USD Additional high operating and maintenance costs and much more Risks: the risks of nuclear power plants are so immense that the insurance companies limit the amount of damage, the operators are liable for the rest with their entire operating assets, if this is not sufficient, the general public is liable. The Fukushima disaster has cost around USD 85 billion to date. It has also caused great human suffering and enormous environmental damage. In contrast, DESERT-VISION power plants cost a fraction of nuclear power plants and pose no risk whatsoever. Since DESERT-VISION power plants have an unlimited lifespan with appropriate maintenance, there is no need to dismantle them. The advantages of DESERT-VISION power plants are many, but the disadvantages listed here are already so serious that their construction is absolutely absurd!
Fukushima disaster
Climate Killer  Nuclear-Power-Plants why?
The realization that power plants using fuel obtained from outside natural cycles significantly contribute to climate warming sheds new light on the use of individual types of power plants. This particularly concerns the allegedly climate-neutral nuclear power plant technology. In light of this insight, the operation of nuclear power plants, regardless of their type, is self-evidently prohibited.
Orginal Vortrag / Original lecture
Thermal power plants, fueled by fossil resources such as coal, lignite, petroleum and natural gas, are prevalent. These fuels have been stored in the Earth's crust for millions of years. When these fuels are burned, the previously stored energy is released into the atmosphere, contributing to its heating.
Thermal power plants that derive their energy from nuclear fission or fusion also emit heat that has not previously been present in our atmosphere, thus contributing to atmospheric warming in the same manner as fossil-fueled power plants.
DESERT-VISION thermo-solar power plants are indeed classified as thermal power plants, but they derive their energy from solar power. This heat energy is already present in the atmosphere, so it does not contribute to additional atmospheric warming. Thermo-solar power plants are the only thermal power plants that do not heat the atmosphere through waste heat or CO 2 emissions.