The big Difference between DESERT-VISION power plants and  Photovoltaic power plants
Photovoltaic power plants are often confused with Thermo-Solar power plants. We would therefore like to highlight the differences between the two systems and look at the advantages and disadvantages. To make the differences easier to understand, we will look at a large Photovoltaic power plant and compare it with a DESERT-VISION multifunctional power plant.
We take a look at the new Al Dhafra solar power plant in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The power plant is to have a peak output (the theoretically highest output) of 2 GW. The nominal output (the actual output) is to be 1.5 GW. The expected annual output should be 4,700 GWh. The expected annual performance is what counts. To achieve this output, 33,000 single-axis tracking mirror systems will be installed over an area of 20 km 2 . Advantages: Inexpensive, as the panels convert sunlight directly into direct current. Disadvantages: Only generate electricity during the day, which means they can only work in conjunction with power plants that generate electricity 24/7. The environmental conditions in the desert are extreme. Sandstorms blind the surface. The panels are directly exposed to the sun and can heat up to more than 100°C. Extreme temperatures reduce efficiency and lifespan. If the solar elements are no longer efficient, the entire field has to be replaced, which is a huge cost factor. To date, there are no reliable figures on the service life of PV modules under such extreme conditions.
For comparison, let's look at the 1 GW DESERT-VISION multifunctional power plant Size 4 by 4 km = 16 km 2 Output 1 GW, operating hours p.a. up to 8,000 Annual output up to 8,000 GWh A 1 GW DESERT-VISION power plant generates approx. twice as much electricity per year as a 2 GW Photovoltaic power plant! Power output 24/7 base load capable, like conventional power plants. Base load capability is achieved through heat storage. The heat from the storage units drives the turbines during the night. This is a major difference. Storing heat is simple, efficient and inexpensive, unlike battery storage. In addition, the power plant desalinates up to 40 million m 3 p.a. of seawater from the power plant's waste heat. The simple, robust design of the solar mirrors enables the complete mirror field to be operated, cleaned and moved into a protective position against abrasive sandstorms fully automatically. In contrast to a Photovoltaic power plant, a DESERT-VISION power plant never needs to be completely replaced, only individual elements. With appropriate maintenance, a DESERT-VISION power plant has no expiry date! Furthermore, a sun-protected oasis of 1,600 hectares is being created under the solar mirrors In principle, a DESERT-VISION power plant requires no space, as the area under the mirror field can be used almost 100%. The sun-protected area under the solar field can be used for anything from a greenhouse to an entire city. Depending on the height of the mirror field, tall buildings can also be built underneath it. When it comes to large power plant capacities in the desert, the DESERT-VISION multifunctional power plant is by far the best choice. Important note: Over 80% of today's PV modules are manufactured in China. In order to minimize the manufacturing costs of the panels, production takes place under inhumane conditions, such as slave labour of the Uyghurs, and is extremely harmful to the environment, with extreme CO 2 emissions! In the case of module replacements, difficulties are to be expected due to the supply chain problems in China. In contrast, the mirror panels will in future be produced entirely where the power plants are built. This means that the added value remains in the country of investment and creates a large number of new jobs.
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