It is the only solar mirror construction that forms a solid flat structure.
This is the basic requirement for the huge sun-protected oases - sun cities.
Fresnel - Solar mirror
Simple linear mirrors, stably clamped between 2 points.
Simple actuator motor drives many mirrors simultaneously.
Static receiver tube
Very few moving parts
Extremely low maintenance
Tower power plant
Thousands of individual mirrors - so-called heliostats - are set up around the tower.
Over 1000°C working temperature makes the receiver at the top of the tower very
vulnerable to repair.
Requires a lot of space
Heliostats Solar Mirrors
Very complex tracking mechanism for each of the thousands of mirrors
Very susceptible to mechanical failure and defocusing
Extremely high maintenance
Trough power plants require a lot of space
Parabolic solar mirror
Very complex mirror construction
Complex assembly
Defocusing due to wind loads
Fragile movable receiver tube
Extreme maintenance costs
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